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Statics- By Beer/ Johnston
Chapter 3- Rigid Bodies: Statics Equivalent Systems of Forces


In this chapter you will learn one of the most important concepts in statics and that is how to calculate moments. You actually already know how to do this on a simple scale because it was discussed in your physics class. Typically the first half of a physics class deals with statics and in that class you learned what a torque is, well that is exactly what a moment is. So let's get into this moment stuff a bit more!

Moment of a Force about a Point in 2D
Rectangular Components of the Moment of a Force (3D)
Vector Products of Two Vectors
Moment of a Force about a Point
Scalar Product of Two Vectors
Mixed Triple Product of Three Vectors
Moment of a Couple
Resolution of a Given Force into a Force at O and Couple
Reduction of a System of Forces to One Force and a Couple
Equivalent System of Forces in Statics
Reduction of a System of Forces to a Wrench
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